Photos - Sep 24-25 2006 Overnight to Sky Camp (First posted September-25-2006 at 10:49 pm)
Photos - Sep 24-25 2006 Overnight to Sky Camp (First posted September-25-2006 at 10:49 pm)

Picture: 20 / 21

Randy & Nancy

They rode by while we were geting ready to leave the coffee shop in San Anselmo were we had stopped for a snack. We saw them again at a traffic light and they looked a little confused by the route directions they had. I offered quick directions ("this way!") and from that point we rode together to San Francisco. They are on a tour from the top of Canada to Denver (home) and then plan to continue to the south tip of South America. (

(First posted September-25-2006 at 10:49 pm)

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