My illustrated and annotated basic tool kit (First posted March-24-2004 at 03:00 am)
My illustrated and annotated basic tool kit (First posted March-24-2004 at 03:00 am)
Every once in a while people want to see/know what tools others carry so here is a "commented" photo of my primary tool kit. It weighs 666 grams (1.46 lbs.) and when packed it is about 5" x 5.5" x 2". This is not the only tool set I carry. I also do carry a multitool and other things spread out over different packs and pockets. Two bags with a pair of tubes each, extra patch kits and tire levers, cleats, tire boots and two air pumps (one on the bike other in the backpack) extra pocket knife in my first aid kit and many other things I can't remember right now. This tool kit and all other parts mentioned above come with me in every ride, short or long, not just when touring. I don't carry much when touring but for me tools are very important and never leave them behind.
Roll the cursor over an item to see its description.

(First posted March-24-2004 at 03:00 am)
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