Recently I've been playing with the video capability of the Aiptek Pencam SC camera, no sound here. I blame Cyclofiend for getting me interested in the cheap video thing after a conversation we had while on an epic ride.
For this experiment I attached the camera with velcro, (inspired by JimG's handlebar mount) to the seatpost and rode down a familliar hill, the Conzelman hill on the north end of the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge. The last part of the video shows the first 300-400 yards of the GGB's west sidewalk (open for bicycle-use-only on this schedule.)
I like the angle this camera location provides. With most video shot from bicycle that I've seen you can't tell the vehicle the camera is mounted to is a human powered two-wheeler. On this video you right away know it is video shot from a bicycle and can even see the shifting and braking being done while moving, In my opinion the video is very good for a $20 camera that runs on two AAA batteries. Granted, it is not as smooth as the video produced by a more expensive camera but I think that is part of the whole game... and I like it!
(First posted August-30-2006 at 04:47 pm)
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